

St Andrews University Director and Eq Coach Peggy McElveen to Receive Lifetime Achievement Award at 2017 IHSA Nationals, Kentucky Horse Park

Fairfield, CT (February 12, 2017) – One of the most popular equestrian team coaches in Intercollegiate Horse Shows Association (IHSA) history will be recognized for her service and contributions to college riding and the horse industry on Saturday afternoon during the 45th IHSA National Championships, May 4-7, at the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington: Peggy McElveen, director of equestrian studies at St. Andrews University in Laurinburg, NC. ​

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McGuinn Farms, Inc. Stable & Tack Room Fixtures Named an Official Stable Accessory Company of IHSA

Fairfield, CT (February 12, 2017) IHSA vice president and US Military Academy (West Point) coach Peter Cashman is pleased to announce that the Intercollegiate Horse Shows Association has welcomed McGuinn Farms, Inc. Stable & Tack Room Fixtures of Fort Lauderdale, Florida as an Official Stable Accessory Company of IHSA, joining the oldest and largest collegiate riding organization in North America as it strides into celebrating 50 years since its founding in 1967.

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IHSA Horses Headed to Washington DC for Presidential Inaugural Parade

(Fairfield, CT) January 9, 2017 - The reins of power in Washington, DC will change on January 20 with the 58th Presidential Inauguration Parade down Pennsylvania Avenue. More than 3,000 organizations applied for the honor of marching in the parade; 40 were selected, including nine equestrian organizations. Two IHSA Zone 3 Region 5 coaches will also make an historic mark that day by providing horses for Presidential Inauguration activities: IHSA Region 5 president

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Intercollegiate Horse Shows Announces Dates and Hunt Seat Judges for 2017 IHSA Nationals at Kentucky Horse Park

Fairfield, CT (December 2, 2016) The Intercollegiate Horse Shows Association (IHSA), the oldest and largest collegiate riding organization in North America, will celebrate the 50th anniversary of its 1967 founding with special events (to be announced soon) that will be part of the 2017 IHSA National Championships, May 4-7, at the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington. Judging the 2017 IHSA Nationals hunt seat classes are Linda Andrisani and Steve Wall.

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IHSA Announces Riders, Alternates to AQHA Collegiate Horsemanship Challenge

Fairfield, CT (September 8, 2016) Eight Intercollegiate Horse Shows Association (IHSA) Western Horsemanship riders and two alternates have been named to the American Quarter Horse Association Collegiate Horsemanship Challenge, part of the AQHA Lucas Oil World Championship Show, November 3-19, at State Fair Park in Oklahoma City, OK.

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IHSA Riders Catch Strong Scores at NRHA Collegiate

Fairfield, CT (July 19, 2016) Coined the “Ultimate Catch Ride,” the 2016 NRHA Collegiate Reining Championship, July 1, at the NRHA Derby, saw Intercollegiate Horse Shows Association (IHSA) qualified reiners Dylan Dombrowski (Cazenovia College), Leah Piper (Middle Tennessee State University), Kelsey Wilson (West Texas A&M University) and Sara Yu (Ohio State University) leave spectators in the Jim Norick Arena at the Oklahoma State Fair Park impressed with how well full-time college students catch solid reining scores.

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IHSA Nationals 2016 Kentucky: The Four Most Exciting

Fairfield, CT -- (May 13, 2015) – To watch Tufts University senior Chase Boggio ride is to see the next generation of greatness in the making. The 2016 USEF Cacchione Cup champion opened his week at the Kentucky Horse Park for the Intercollegiate Horse Shows Association (IHSA) National Championships with a win in Individual Open Fences and never stopped his chase for the most prestigious individual college riding title in North America until the last stride of a last work-off Shakespearean in its proportion: To simple, or to flying change?

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2016 IHSA Scholarship and Award Opportunities Announced

Fairfield, CT (January 21, 2016) Intercollegiate Horse Show Association (IHSA) Education Committee chair, Patte Zumbrun (Goucher College), has announced that information on 2016 IHSA scholarship and award opportunities is now available at including for the Teresa L. McDonald IHSA Scholarship Challenge Test (February 22 – March 8) and USHJA/IHSA Sportsmanship Award.

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IHSA National Championships to Again Call Kentucky Horse Park Home for 2016, 2017

Fairfield, CT (December 15, 2015) 'THE place to get close to horses' will host 'the sport of scholars' when the Kentucky Horse Park hosts the Intercollegiate Horse Shows Association (IHSA) National Championships in Lexington May 5-8, 2016 and May 4-7, 2017 (when IHSA, the nation's largest and oldest collegiate equestrian team association, celebrates the 50th anniversary of its founding).

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Intercollegiate Horse Shows Association Riders Claim Top Slots at NRHA Collegiate Riding Championships during NRHA Derby

Fairfield, CT (July 2, 2015) University of Findlay's Holly Phillips and University of Central Florida's Morgan Sykes finished first- and second-place to deliver two of the best finishes ever by Intercollegiate Horse Shows Association members in the National Reining Horse Association Collegiate Reining Championships, Saturday, June 27, during the NRHA Derby in Oklahoma City, OK, in front of judges Charlie Smith, Kelly Hedges and Steve Ross.

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42nd Intercollegiate Horse Shows Association National Championships: SCAD and Berry Emerge as Top Teams, High Point Riders Hay and Finn Rewrite Cougars, Huskers History

Fairfield, CT -- (May 11, 2015) – The 42nd Intercollegiate Horse Shows Association National Championships, April 30-May 3 at the Eastern States Coliseum in West Springfield, MA, saw a first-ever Collegiate Cup High Point Hunter Seat Team championship for coach Ashley Henry and the Savannah College of Art & Design Bees, while coach Margaret Knight and the Berry College Vikings repeated their winning ways with their second American Quarter Horse Association High Point Western Team title since 2011 at the Kentucky Horse Park.

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Winner Selected for 2015 Annual Equine Industry Vision Award

South Daytona, FL (April 7, 2015)–Zoetis and American Horse Publications are proud to announce that a winner has been selected to receive the 2015 Equine Industry Vision Award. Sponsored by Zoetis, the award is intended to recognize innovation, leadership and service.

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