Welcome to the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association (IHSA) philanthropy page – a community where passion for equestrian sport meets lifelong lessons in resilience, teamwork and leadership. For over 50 years, IHSA has been more than just a platform for collegiate riders; it’s been a transformative experience shaping individuals who excel in every aspect of their lives.

An emotional moment at IHSA Nationals

Our Mission

IHSA’s mission is to promote equestrian competition for all college and university students, regardless of their riding experience or financial status. We strive to create an inclusive environment where every rider can thrive, learn and grow. Philanthropy at IHSA aims to protect and amplify the essential aspects of collegiate riding and empower the future through giving. 

The Four Pillars of IHSA Philanthropy: 

1. Scholarships and Financial Aid: We believe that financial barriers should never stand in the way of a student’s passion for riding. Scholarships and financial aid ensure that every student has the opportunity to participate, regardless of their financial situation.

2. Programs and Competitions: From local shows to national championships, our programs and competitions provide riders with the platform to showcase their skills and build confidence. Your support ensures that these events maintain the highest standards of excellence, specifically supporting the equine athletes’ needs.

3. Coaching and Education: Great coaching is at the heart of IHSA. By investing in coaching and education, we ensure that our riders receive the best mentorship and training, preparing them not just for competitions but for life. We want to ensure our coaches have the tools at their fingertips to bring the best out of their riders and their regions and empower them to advocate for the sport. 

4. Growth and Strength of IHSA: A strong foundation is essential for our community to thrive. Investing in the growth and strength of IHSA allows us to expand our reach, enhance our capabilities and develop new programs that support our growing community. Your support helps us build a robust infrastructure that underpins all our activities, ensuring we can offer more opportunities to more students, more support for our horses, and more access to riding across our teams.

W Texas A and M cheer on their team.

Why Your Support Matters

The experiences and lessons learned through IHSA are invaluable. Early mornings, teamwork, overcoming challenges and lifelong friendships – these are the moments that define us. By supporting IHSA, you help provide these transformative experiences to the next generation.

Sacred Heart cheers on their team

Join Us in Making a Difference

Be a part of our mission to sustain and grow IHSA. Your gift, no matter the size, makes a significant impact. Let’s ensure that IHSA continues to teach, inspire and shape its members for years to come.

IHSA Give Now Website Button(1)

Thank you for your generosity and support. Together, we can ensure that IHSA continues to thrive.


It's more than just riding – it’s a lifelong legacy.



As a 501(c)(3) public charity, charitable contributions to the IHSA are generally tax deductible. However, please consult your tax professional to be sure. No goods or services will be provided by IHSA in exchange for this contribution, or the value of any items provided constitute “low-cost articles” under section 513(h)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code. This gift is made unconditionally and free of any restrictions or conditions.