Western Semi-Finals


March 15-16, 2025

NRHA/IHSA Western Semi-Finals represent the final step for IHSA Western teams and individuals on their quest to compete at Nationals. The IHSA is proud to have the Nationals Reining Horse Association (NRHA) as the official sponsor of the Semi-Finals. Three Semi-Finals are held during the third weekend in March; host sites are contracted a year in advance. Regions are assigned to a respective Semi-Final based upon a number of factors, including participation in hosting a Semi-Final, placement in the prior year’s National Championships, and travel-distance concerns.


western semis_alfred_EDIT copy_counting hoofbeats

Photo by Counting Hoof Beats

Semi-Final assignments are announced prior to the start of the competition year. Regions will send their regional champion Western team, plus the top two individuals in each division. From each Semi-Finals, the top four individuals per division, the top five high point riders, and the top four teams will advance to Nationals.

Host sites for 2025:

West Texas A&M, Canyon, Texas

Judges: Rebecca Halvorson and TBA

Areas: 72, 63, 61, 83, 85, 75, 73


Zone 3 Western Teams: Logan Township, New Jersey

Judges: Jonathan Meilleur and Gretchen Mathes

Areas: 30, 26, 40, 21, 22, 10, 50

MORE INFORMATION (updated March 7, 2025)

Black Hawk College, Galva, Illinois

Judges: Lynda Danielson and Kendra Weis

Areas: 74, 70, 64, 51, 81, 84, 52



  • Each Region will send the top two individuals from each class, and the regional champion team
  • If all Western regions are shown, there will be 14 riders per individual class, 7 riders per team class at Semi-Finals
  • Regional high-point riders will compete in a qualifying class to move on to Nationals, where they will compete in the two-part class. The top 5 from each Semi-Finals will then move on to compete in the Western High Point Rider class at Nationals.
  • From each Semi–Finals, top 4 individuals and top 4 teams will advance to Nationals
  • Maximum of 12 riders per individual class
  • 12 per team class at Nationals
  • High-Point Rider class excepted
  • All possible care will be taken to maintain equal quality of each show including awards
  • All Semis will be held over two days, with two qualified judges judging both day
  • All riders in each class will ride a pattern on their rail horse after the rail portion of the class is completed
  • Judges may ask riders for additional testing including changing horses after the patterns are run

Questions should be directed to your regional president or to Ariel Higgins subject line: Semi-Finals


Patterns used at IHSA Western Semi-Finals and Nationals will come from this list which is updated prior to Semi-Finals. Please report any problems with pattern instruction or graphics to the IHSA Western Committee.