“It's been a pretty remarkable week here at the farm,” said Leone, whose admiration for the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association format has continued to grow since experiencing an Open class 'catch-ride' of his own during an IHSA competition hosted at Centenary College last season. The Olympic show jumping star also took time out of his May schedule to attend the 40th IHSA Nationals in Harrisburg for the USEF Cacchione Cup and present its trophy.
"I remember being that age, and how winning a championship like that puts you on cloud nine," said Leone. Quoting George Morris, author of the forward in Show Jumping Clinic and former US chef d'equipe, he observed: "Through riding, you learn a lot about life. An opportunity like this offers a boost of confidence and energy for equestrian dreams and life in general."
As a USEF Cacchione Cup champion, Reich follows in the mighty boot steps of such IHSA alum as U.S. Olympians Beezie Madden and Greg Best. She grew up riding what parents, Lori and George Reich of Rolling Coach Stables in Ivyland, PA, described as 'difficult' horses: “Every horse she's owned has been challenging. Now she's off to bigger things." Reich aspires to ride professionally, as well as teach, train and run her own barn.
To learn more about programs at Lionshare Farm or to order your own copy of Show Jumping Clinic, visit www.lionsharefarm.com.
For more about the USEF Cacchione Cup and IHSA, as well as scholarship opportunities for college riders, visit www.IHSAinc.com.

Pictured: Cori Reich